If a glob pattern doesn't match any files, bash
will just return the literal pattern:
bash-4.1# echo nonexistent-file-*
You can modify the default behavior by setting the nullglob
shell option so if nothing matches, you get a null string:
bash-4.1# shopt -s nullglob
bash-4.1# echo nonexistent-file-*
So is there an equivalent option in ash
bash-4.1# ash
~ # echo nonexistent-file-*
~ # shopt -s nullglob
ash: shopt: not found
~ #
For shells without nullglob
such as ash and dash:
IFS="`printf '\n\t'`" # Remove 'space', so filenames with spaces work well.
# Correct glob use: always use "for" loop, prefix glob, check for existence:
for file in ./* ; do # Use "./*", NEVER bare "*"
if [ -e "$file" ] ; then # Make sure it isn't an empty match
COMMAND ... "$file" ...
Source: Filenames and Pathnames in Shell: How to do it correctly (cached)