
Javascript Steganography: Hiding an image inside of an image

I have been stuck on this program for a while and I am completely lost as to what is wrong and what I need to fix. I am trying to use steganography to encrypt a secret image inside of a cover image, and then decrypt the secret image. I am given part of the code and I have to implement the encodePixel and decodePixel functions, as well as the "helper functions".

When I run the program, the resulting image is completely black instead of the secret image. I do not know where my error is, and if it is in the encode or decode function, or if it is in the helper functions.

These are the functions that I have implemented:

 * Encodes the given secret pixel into the low bits of the
 * RGB values of the given cover pixel
 * Returns the modified cover pixel
function encodePixel(coverPixel, secretPixel) {

    var redBit = secretPixel[RED];
    var greenBit = secretPixel[GREEN];
    var blueBit = secretPixel[BLUE];

    if(redBit >= 128){
        setLowestBit(coverPixel[RED], 1);
        setLowestBit(coverPixel[RED], 0);
    if(blueBit >= 128){
        setLowestBit(coverPixel[BLUE], 1);
        setLowestBit(coverPixel[BLUE], 0);
    if(greenBit >= 128){
        setLowestBit(coverPixel[GREEN], 1);
        setLowestBit(coverPixel[GREEN], 0);

    return coverPixel;

 * Extracts the RGB values for a secret pixel from the low bits
 * of the given cover pixel
 * Returns the resulting secret pixel
function decodePixel(coverPixel) {

    var secretPixel = [0, 0, 0];
    var redBit = getLowestBit(coverPixel[RED]);     
    var greenBit = getLowestBit(coverPixel[GREEN]); 
    var blueBit = getLowestBit(coverPixel[BLUE]);   

    if(redBit == 1){
        setLowestBit(secretPixel[RED], 255);
        setLowestBit(secretPixel[RED], 0);
    if(blueBit == 1){
        setLowestBit(secretPixel[BLUE], 255);
        setLowestBit(secretPixel[BLUE], 0);
    if(greenBit == 1){
        setLowestBit(secretPixel[GREEN], 255);
        setLowestBit(secretPixel[GREEN], 0);

    return secretPixel;

//=========HELPER FUNCTIONS==========\\

// Returns true if the given value is even, false otherwise
function isEven(value) {
    return value % 2 == 0;

 * Given a number, return the lowest bit in the binary representation
 * of the number.
 * Returns either a 0 or a 1
function getLowestBit(value) {
        return 0;
        return 1;

 * Given a number, return a new number with the same underlying bits
 * except the lowest bit is set to the given bitValue.
function setLowestBit(value, bitValue) {
    if(bitValue == 0) {
        // If value is even, the lowest bit is already 0.
        if(isEven(value)) {
            return value;
        // Otherwise, the lowest bit is 1. We subtract 1 to set it to 0.
        else {
            return value - 1;

    else {
        // If value is odd, the lowest bit is already 1
        if(!isEven(value)) {
            return value;
        // Otherwise, the lowest bit is 0. We add 1 to set it to 1.
        else {
            return value + 1;

This is the rest of the code, which I do not have to change.


// Constants for the images
var ORIGINAL_URL = "";

// Constants for pixel indices
var RED = 0;
var GREEN = 1;
var BLUE = 2;

// Constants for colors
var MAX_COLOR_VALUE = 255;

//********************STARTER CODE BELOW******************************

// Constants for spacing
var X_GAP = 10;
var Y_GAP = 25;
var TEXT_Y_GAP = 4;
var IMAGE_WIDTH = getWidth() / 2 - X_GAP * 2;
var IMAGE_HEIGHT = getHeight() / 3 - Y_GAP * 1.1;
var IMAGE_X = 10;
var IMAGE_Y = 25;

// Image width cannot be odd, it messes up the math of the encoding
if(IMAGE_WIDTH % 2 == 1) {
    IMAGE_WIDTH -= 1;

// We need to wait for the image to load before modifying it

function start() {
    // Set up original image
    var original = new WebImage(ORIGINAL_URL);
    original.setSize(IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT);
    original.setPosition(IMAGE_X, IMAGE_Y);

    // Set up secret image
    var secret = new WebImage(SECRET_IMAGE_URL);
    secret.setSize(IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT);
    secret.setPosition(IMAGE_X + original.getWidth() + X_GAP, IMAGE_Y);

    // Set up the cover image 
    // (identical to original, but will be modified to encode the secret image)
        var cover = new WebImage(ORIGINAL_URL);
    var coverX = getWidth() / 2 - IMAGE_WIDTH / 2;
    cover.setSize(IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT);
    cover.setPosition(IMAGE_X + IMAGE_WIDTH / 2, IMAGE_Y + Y_GAP + IMAGE_HEIGHT);

    // Add originals

    // Add the cover image that will be used for encrypting the secret image

    // Wait for images to load before encrypting and decrypting
        encrypt(cover, secret);

    // Add labels for each image
    var originalLabel = new Text("Original Cover Image", "11pt Arial");
    originalLabel.setPosition(original.getX(), original.getY() - TEXT_Y_GAP);

    var secretLabel = new Text("Original Secret Image", "11pt Arial");
    secretLabel.setPosition(secret.getX(), secret.getY() - TEXT_Y_GAP);

    var coverLabel = new Text("Cover Image with Secret Image encoded inside", "11pt Arial");
    coverLabel.setPosition(getWidth() / 2 - coverLabel.getWidth() / 2, cover.getY() - TEXT_Y_GAP);

    var resultLabel = new Text("Resulting Secret Image decoded from Cover Image", "11pt Arial");
    resultLabel.setPosition(getWidth() / 2 - resultLabel.getWidth() / 2, cover.getY() + IMAGE_HEIGHT + Y_GAP - TEXT_Y_GAP );

 * Encrypts the secret image inside of the cover image.
 * For each pixel in the cover image, the lowest bit of each
 * R, G, and B value is set to a 0 or 1 depending on the amount of
 * R, G, and B in the corresponding secret pixel.
 * If an R, G, or B value in the secret image is between 0 and 127,
 * set a 0, if it is between 128 and 255, set a 1.
function encrypt(cover, secret) {

    // Make sure cover and secret are the same size.
    var width = cover.getWidth();
    var height = cover.getHeight();
    secret.setSize(width, height);

    // Loop over each pixel in the image
    for(var x = 0; x < width; x++) {
        for(var y = 0; y < height; y++) {

            // Get the pixels at this location for both images
            var coverPixel = cover.getPixel(x, y);
            var secretPixel = secret.getPixel(x, y);

            // Modify the cover pixel to encode the secret pixel
            var newCoverPixel = encodePixel(coverPixel, secretPixel);

            // Update this pixel in the cover image to have the
            // secret bit encoded
            cover.setRed(x, y, newCoverPixel[RED]);
            cover.setGreen(x, y, newCoverPixel[GREEN]);
            cover.setBlue(x, y, newCoverPixel[BLUE]);

 * Decrypts a secret image from an encoded cover image.
function decrypt(coverImage) {

    // secretImage will start off the same as the cover image.
    // As we loop over the coverImage to discover the secret embedded image,
    // we will update secretImage pixel by pixel
    var secretImage = new WebImage(coverImage.filename);

    // We need to add secretImage to the canvas before we can modify it
    secretImage.setSize(coverImage.getWidth(), coverImage.getHeight());
    secretImage.setPosition(coverImage.getX(), coverImage.getY() + coverImage.getHeight() + Y_GAP);

    // Wait for secretImage to load on the canvas before we start
    // modifying its pixels.
        computeSecretImage(coverImage, secretImage);

 * Set the pixels in the image secret based on the lowest
 * bit values in the pixels of the image cover.
function computeSecretImage(cover, secret) {
    // Loop over every pixel in the cover image
    for(var x = 0; x < cover.getWidth(); x++) {
        for(var y = 0; y < cover.getHeight(); y++) {
            //Get the current pixel of the cover image
            var coverPixel = cover.getPixel(x, y);

            // Compute the secretPixel from this cover pixel
            var secretPixel = decodePixel(coverPixel);

            // Update the pixel in the secret image to match the computed secret pixel
            secret.setRed(x, y, secretPixel[RED]);
            secret.setGreen(x, y, secretPixel[GREEN]);
            secret.setBlue(x, y, secretPixel[BLUE]);

I appreciate any help!


  • Your issue is that you set the secretPixel to [0,0,0], then it never changes in any function calls. You return values from encodePixel and decodePixel, but the returned values are discarded

    What you'd need to do is

    function encodePixel(coverPixel, secretPixel) {
        var returnedPixel = [0,0,0];
        var redBit = secretPixel[RED];
        var greenBit = secretPixel[GREEN];
        var blueBit = secretPixel[BLUE];
        if(redBit >= 128){
            returnedPixel[RED] = setLowestBit(coverPixel[RED], 1);
            returnedPixel[RED] = setLowestBit(coverPixel[RED], 0);
        // repeat for blue/green
        // then
        return returnedPixel;


    function decodePixel(coverPixel) {
        var secretPixel = [0, 0, 0];
        var redBit = getLowestBit(coverPixel[RED]);     
        var greenBit = getLowestBit(coverPixel[GREEN]); 
        var blueBit = getLowestBit(coverPixel[BLUE]);   
        if(redBit == 1){
            secretPixel[RED] = 255;
        // repeat for green and blue
        // then
        return secretPixel;

    Bonus: your whole first snippet of code can be simplified as 2 lines:

    const encodePixel = (coverPixel, secretPixel) =>, index) => (part & 254) | ((secretPixel[index] >> 7) & 1));
    const decodePixel = coverPixel => => (part & 1) * 255);

    Or if ES6 frightens you, 10 lines:

    var encodePixel = function encodePixel(coverPixel, secretPixel) {
        return (part, index) {
            return (part & 254) | ((secretPixel[index] >> 7) & 1);
    var decodePixel = function decodePixel(coverPixel) {
        return (part) {
            return (part & 1) * 255;