
WebView remote site and reward videos

I have a simple game developed in PHP. I have loaded the remote site in Android WebView. I want to find out that if user clicks on a FREE life button which is on my remote PHP site, I want to start a reward video on my Android app.

But how can I know whether the user clicked on the FREE life button in my WebView and start the video instantly in my android app?


  • There is an Android mechanism that alows you to run Android function from javascript:

            <input class="button" type="button" value="FREE life" onclick="startRewardVideo('some parameters can be passed to Android from here')">
                <script type="text/javascript">
                    function startRewardVideo(paramFromJS) {

    now you need class that knows what to do with your javascript:

    public class MyJavaScriptInterface {
       @JavascriptInterface // this annotation is importatn
       public void startRewardVideoAndroidFunction(String paramFromJS) {
          //here you need to start showing reward movie 
          //because this function will be called after webView button click.

    last step is to connect webView with your javascript interface:

    webView.addJavascriptInterface(new MyJavaScriptInterface(), "Android");

    and of course don't forget to enable javascript for your webView:


    Hope it helps :) Ask if you have any questions on this.

    Here you have full tutorial