For example, I'd like to call the inserted_on
timestamp created_at
in the front end in the following Absinthe schema:
defmodule MyAppWeb.Schema.AccountTypes do
use Absinthe.Schema.Notation
object :user do
field :id, :id
field :email, :string
field :inserted_on, :datetime
but I'm not sure how to setup the Ecto <-> Absinthe mapping. Should I just add a virtual field to my Ecto schema?
One option would be to use the :source option in Ecto schemas for database fields, so you can use your own internal name:
defmodule MyAppWeb.Schema.AccountTypes do
use Absinthe.Schema.Notation
object :user do
field :id, :id
field :email, :string
field :created_at, :datetime, source: :inserted_on
But the best option would probably be to set the proper field name in the query macro:
defmodule My.Schema do
use Absinthe.Schema
query do
field :created_at, :string do
resolve &MyResolver.inserted_on/3
.. or use your own datatype instead of string..