I've inherited an e-commerce website using the usual aspnet's MVC5 / razor / jQuery. The goal is globalizing the website and add a language selector, to support the two main country/language targeting strategies. I've just accomplished the first step, which is routing the website so it handles,, Using After this, entering the domain with a non-existent locale redirects to the default one. There's a custom IRouteHandler that get's the httprequest, checks the locale and puts it if it needs to:
Public Class LocalizationRedirectRouteHandler
Implements IRouteHandler
Public Function GetHttpHandler(requestContext As RequestContext) As IHttpHandler Implements IRouteHandler.GetHttpHandler
Dim routeValues = requestContext.RouteData.Values
Dim cookieLocale = requestContext.HttpContext.Request.Cookies("locale")
If cookieLocale IsNot Nothing Then
routeValues("culture") = cookieLocale.Value
Return New RedirectHandler(New UrlHelper(requestContext).RouteUrl(routeValues))
End If
Dim uiCulture = CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture
routeValues("culture") = uiCulture.Name
Return New RedirectHandler(New UrlHelper(requestContext).RouteUrl(routeValues))
End Function
End Class
There are thousands of "inline" AJAX calls to routes across the website written without an @Html helper because the project has separate, bundled js files, failing. There are hundreds of routes failing because the project controllers are using attribute routing and it's not specifying locale. For example, a simple link to a product features is failing because the controller has a route specifying
but the URL looks like
What's the right way to proceed here?
I was expecting those AJAX and links without locale to be redirected, but they are not.
Should I rewrite all those files so they specify current locale? Is there any other "healthy" way to do this, like extending BaseController and add culture as a route prefix?
Thank you in advance for your time, I'm terribly lost here.
Turns out, this answer by @NightOwl888 is the closest I've found to a solution to the problem I was facing. After including this changes to my project, I have almost everything working out and sporting a wonderful culture prefix on the URL. There's still a few things to work out though: