I am working on a school project where I have a front-end-project and a back-end-project. In my front-end-project I am using Bootsfaces version 1.2.0 and jsf. Back-end I have a webservice and a postgres database.
I am trying to add objects (in this case cars) through a form in my front-end-project through my webservice and also delete these objects. My problem is that it only works sometimes (usually just one time). I have tried a lot of different solutions and also browsed google for a few days..
Here is some code (simplified).
Frontend html-page:
<b:dataTable value="#{leasingCarBean.carList}" var="car"
<b:dataTableColumn value="#{car.licensenumber}" />
<b:dataTableColumn value="#{car.brand}" />
<b:dataTableColumn value="#{car.model}" />
<b:dataTableColumn value="#{car.color}" />
<b:dataTableColumn value="#{car.year}" />
<b:dataTableColumn label="Delete">
<b:commandButton value="Delete" onclick="ajax:leasingCarBean.deleteCar(car.licensenumber)" update="carsTable"/>
<b:button size="lg" look="info" value="New car"
<b:modal id="amodal" title="New car" styleClass="modalPseudoClass">
<b:inputText placeholder="Licensenumber"
value="#{leasingCarBean.newCar.licensenumber}" />
<b:inputText placeholder="Brand"
value="#{leasingCarBean.newCar.brand}" />
<b:inputText placeholder="Model"
value="#{leasingCarBean.newCar.model}" />
<b:inputText placeholder="Color"
value="#{leasingCarBean.newCar.color}" />
<b:inputText placeholder="Year"
value="#{leasingCarBean.newCar.year}" />
<f:facet name="footer">
<b:button value="Close" dismiss="modal" />
<b:commandButton value="Add" look="primary" dismiss="modal"
onclick="ajax:leasingCarBean.postNewCar()" update="carsTable" />
Backingbean frontend
public class LeasingCarBean implements Serializable{
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private Cardto newCar;
private Customerdto newCustomer;
private WebTarget leasingCarTarget = ClientBuilder.newClient().target("http://localhost:8080/leasingcarbackend/leasingcar");
public LeasingCarBean() {}
public void init() {
newCar = new Cardto();
newCustomer = new Customerdto();
public List<Cardto> getCarList() {
return leasingCarTarget.path("/carList").request(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).get(new GenericType<List<Cardto>>() {});
public void deleteCar(String licensenumber) {
leasingCarTarget.path("/deleteCar/{licensenumber}").resolveTemplate("licensenumber", licensenumber).request(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).delete();
public void postNewCar() {
newCar = null;
public void createNewCar() {
newCar = new Cardto();
public Cardto getNewCar() {
return newCar;
Some of my errors:
When I have added a car, and then click a delete button (on any car in the datatable) it evaluates the wrong EL-expression, leasingCarBean.newCar.licensenumber instead of leasingCarBean.deleteCar(car.licensenumber).
When I press the "New car"-button it invokes the postNewCar-method before I have pressed the "Add"-button, which means I get null-errors because I haven't filled in the form.
Sometimes when i try to add a new car I get this error even though I have filled in the form:
javax.el.PropertyNotFoundException: /admin/allCars.xhtml @100,57
value="#{leasingCarBean.newCar.licensenumber}": Target Unreachable, 'null' returned null
Any tips on how to do this? I will be grateful for any help :)
So, I solved my problem and I wanted to post it here if someone else is interested in the solution.
My html-page:
//My datatable stays the same
<b:dataTable value="#{leasingCarBean.carList}" var="car"
<b:dataTableColumn value="#{car.licensenumber}" />
<b:dataTableColumn value="#{car.brand}" />
<b:dataTableColumn value="#{car.model}" />
<b:dataTableColumn value="#{car.color}" />
<b:dataTableColumn value="#{car.year}" />
<b:dataTableColumn label="Delete">
<b:commandButton value="Delete" onclick="ajax:leasingCarBean.deleteCar(car.licensenumber)"
<b:button size="lg" look="info" value="New car"
onclick="$('.modalPseudoClass').modal()" />
//Took away createNewCar()
<b:modal id="amodal" title="New car" styleClass="modalPseudoClass">
<b:inputText placeholder="Licensenumber"
value="#{leasingCarBean.newCar.licensenumber}" />
<b:inputText placeholder="Brand"
value="#{leasingCarBean.newCar.brand}" />
<b:inputText placeholder="Model"
value="#{leasingCarBean.newCar.model}" />
<b:inputText placeholder="Color"
value="#{leasingCarBean.newCar.color}" />
<b:inputText placeholder="Year"
value="#{leasingCarBean.newCar.year}" />
<f:facet name="footer">
<b:button value="Close" dismiss="modal" />
<b:commandButton value="Add" look="primary"
//Dismiss modal do not work for commandButton
update="carsTable" />
Backing bean frontend:
public class LeasingCarBean implements Serializable{
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private Cardto newCar;
private Customerdto newCustomer;
private WebTarget leasingCarTarget = ClientBuilder.newClient().target("http://localhost:8080/leasingcarbackend/leasingcar");
public LeasingCarBean() {}
public void init() {
newCar = new Cardto();
newCustomer = new Customerdto();
public List<Cardto> getCarList() {
return leasingCarTarget.path("/carList").request(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).get(new GenericType<List<Cardto>>() {});
public void deleteCar(String licensenumber) {
leasingCarTarget.path("/deleteCar/{licensenumber}").resolveTemplate("licensenumber", licensenumber).request(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).delete();
public void postNewCar() {
newCar = new Cardto(); //Instead of = null
//This method is not needed anymore
public void createNewCar() {
newCar = new Cardto();
public Cardto getNewCar() {
return newCar;
Hopefully this will help someone in the future :)