
No Global Contract available for procedure / function

I've got a procedure within a SPARK module that calls the standard Ada-Text_IO.Put_Line.

During proving I get the following warning warning: no Global contract available for "Put_Line".

I do already know how to add the respective data dependency contract to procedures and functions written by myself but how do I add them to a procedures / functions written by others where I can't edit the source files?

I looked through sections 5.2 and 7.4 of the Adacore SPARK 2014 user's guide but didn't found an example with a solution to my problem.


  • This means that the analyzer cannot "see" whether global variables might be affected when this function is called. It therefore assumes this call is not modifying anything (otherwise all other proofs could be refuted immediately). This is likely a valid assumption for your specific example, but it might not be valid on an embedded system, where a custom implementation of Put_Line might do anything.

    There are two ways to convey the missing information:

    1. verifier can examine the source code of the function. Then it can try to generate global contracts itself.
    2. global contracts are specified explicitly, see RM 6.1.4 (

    In this case, the procedure you are calling is part of the run-time system (RTS), and therefore the source is not visible, and you probably cannot/should not change it.

    What to do in practice?

    Suppressing warnings is almost never a good idea, especially not when you are working on something safety-critical. Usually the code has to be changed until the warning goes away, or some justification process has to start.

    If you are serious about the analysis results, I recommend to not use such subprograms. If you really need output there, either write your own procedure that replaces the RTS subprogram, or ensure that the subprogram really has no side effects. This is further backed up by what Frédéric has linked: Even if the callee has no side effects, you don't know whether it raises an exception for specific inputs (e.g., very long strings).

    If you are not so serious about the results, then you can consider this specific one as a warning that you could live with.