
Marklogic 8 pathRangeQuery with namespace in javascript

I need to build a pathRangeQuery for a path with namespace. This is possible in MarkLogic 9 by using the cts.rangeQuery and building a cts.reference. Ex ML9 :

var qname = fn.QName("","name");
var elRef = cts.elementReference(qname, ["type=string", "collation="]);
var q = cts.rangeQuery(elRef,'>=','myname');

Unfortunately, I can't find the equivalent in MarkLogic 8.

Do you have an idea how to do it ?


  • Correct, cts:range-query and cts.rangeQuery were introduced in MarkLogic 9. In older versions you need to use the more specific range-query functions, like:


    When using namespaces however, the latest note is to use cts.rangeQuery instead of cts.pathRangeQuery. That is not an option with MarkLogic 8. With XQuery, you could have just declared a namespace in your XQuery code, and you would have been good, but that is not an option in SJS either.

    You'll need to declare the namespace on app-server or group level to make it work in MarkLogic 8.
