I am trying to extract the layer activations to save them locally as features. I'm still new to CNNs so I'd like to show what I did and I'd like to know if what I'm doing is correct:
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
ComputationGraph vgg16transfer = getComputationGraph();
for (File file : new File(ImageClassifier.class.getClassLoader().getResource("mydirectory").getFile()).listFiles()) {
Map<String, INDArray> stringINDArrayMap = extractTwo(file, vgg16transfer);
//Extract the features from the last fully connected layers
* Retrieves the VGG16 computation graph
* @return ComputationGraph from the pretrained VGG16
* @throws IOException
public static ComputationGraph getComputationGraph() throws IOException {
ZooModel zooModel = new VGG16();
return (ComputationGraph) zooModel.initPretrained(PretrainedType.IMAGENET);
* Compresses the input INDArray and writes it to file
* @param imageFile the original image file
* @param array INDArray to be saved (features)
* @throws IOException
private static void saveCompressed(File imageFile, INDArray array) throws IOException {
INDArray compress = BasicNDArrayCompressor.getInstance().compress(array);
Nd4j.write(compress,new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(new File("features/" + imageFile.getName()+ "feat"))));
* Given an input image and a ComputationGraph it calls the feedForward method after rescaling the image.
* @param imageFile the image whose features need to be extracted
* @param vgg16 the ComputationGraph to be used.
* @return a map of activations for each layer
* @throws IOException
public static Map<String, INDArray> extractTwo(File imageFile, ComputationGraph vgg16) throws IOException {
// Convert file to INDArray
NativeImageLoader loader = new NativeImageLoader(224, 224, 3);
INDArray image = loader.asMatrix(imageFile);
// Mean subtraction pre-processing step for VGG
DataNormalization scaler = new VGG16ImagePreProcessor();
//Call the feedForward method to get a map of activations for each layer
return vgg16.feedForward(image, false);
So basically I am calling the feedForward method and obtaining the activations from the fc2 layer.
I have several questions about this:
1) Is the code I wrote indeed extracting features that can be saved and stored for further usages?
2) How would I go about doing PCA/Whitening on the extracted features?
3) Is there any way I could encode this to VLAD as proposed but such paper: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1707.00058.pdf
4) I then would like to compare the saved features, I did so using a simple Euclidean distance and it seems to be working although results are not the best. Is there some kind of pre-processing I should do or are the saved features directly comparable?
Edit: Note that this message is 4 years old and the repositories have all moved to a mono repo here: https://github.com/eclipse/deeplearning4j
For the extracted features, Nd4j has a PCA you can use: https://github.com/eclipse/deeplearning4j/blob/master/nd4j/nd4j-backends/nd4j-api-parent/nd4j-api/src/main/java/org/nd4j/linalg/dimensionalityreduction/PCA.java
That's kind of redundant though. I would consider just directly using transfer learning instead. You don't have to do any of this manually. See the docs here for more examples: https://github.com/eclipse/deeplearning4j-examples/blob/master/dl4j-examples/src/main/java/org/deeplearning4j/examples/advanced/features/transferlearning/README.md
The transfer learning api will give you what you need for using pretrained models while modifying them only to use a different output layer. We even cover this with VGG16 right in the example above.