
Image rotation algorithm

I'm looking for an algorithm that rotates an image by some degrees (input).

public Image rotateImage(Image image, int degrees)

(Image instances could be replaced with int[] containing each pixel RGB values, My problem is that i need to implement it for a JavaME MIDP 2.0 project so i must use code runnable on JVM prior to version 1.5 Can anyone help me out with this ?

EDIT: I forgot to mention that i don't have SVG APIs available and that i need a method to rotate by arbitrary degree other than 90 - 180- 270

Also, no java.awt.* packages are available on MIDP 2.0


  • One of the best pages describing image rotation algorithms I've found on the internet is tied to Dan Bloomberg's excellent leptonica library. While the leptonica library itself is written in C and won't help you, his page on image rotation algorithms:

    is definitely worth a read. You will most likely want to implement something like the Rotation by Area Mapping algorithm he describes in the second portion of the page.