I am using PayPal-PHP-SDK and I want to store and retrieve card information in PayPal vault. Whenever I store using following code I get a response. But whenever I want to retrieve the card details I get nothing and it doesn't show error.
$apiContext = new \PayPal\Rest\ApiContext(
new \PayPal\Auth\OAuthTokenCredential(
'XXXXXXXXXXXXXX' // ClientSecret
'log.LogEnabled' => true,
'log.FileName' => 'PayPal.log',
'log.LogLevel' => 'DEBUG'
$card = new \PayPal\Api\CreditCard();
try {
echo "<pre>"; print_r($card);
catch (\PayPal\Exception\PayPalConnectionException $ex) {
echo "error";
echo $ex->getData();
This is the second code where I want to get the added card using CardId. I get no error and an empty array []
$card1 = new \PayPal\Api\CreditCard();
try {
echo $card1->getNumber();
echo "<pre>"; print_r($card1);
catch (\PayPal\Exception\PayPalConnectionException $ex) {
echo "error";
echo $ex->getData();
I made some changes and it is working now. Someone may see the same error, So I am answering to my own question.
get function returns value so I have changed it to this
$response = $card1->get("CARD-42P155089V838232ULJU73VA",$apiContext);
echo "<pre>"; print_r($response);
And it worked