I'm building a Windows screensaver using Java, JavaFX, the JavaFX Packager, the Gradle JavaFX Packager plugin, etc. I generate various executable files with this configuration:
jfx {
mainClass = "tech.project.project.ConfiguratorApp"
vendor = "Project"
appName = "Project"
nativeReleaseVersion = version
secondaryLaunchers = [
appName : "Project Renderer",
mainClass: "tech.project.project.RendererApp",
needMenu : true
appName : "Project Displayer",
mainClass: "tech.project.project.DisplayerApp",
needMenu : true
appName : "Project Screensaver",
mainClass: "tech.project.project.WinScreensaverApp",
needMenu : false
When configuring, previewing and testing the screensaver, everything works well, but when the screensaver actually runs, the main class seems to be DisplayerApp
instead of WinScreensaverApp
Any ideas why or how to gather more information about what's going on?
I managed to find the Windows command line:
C:\PROGRA~1\Project\PROJEC~1.SCR /s
Blast from the past! But I run that command manually in the console, I get the appropriate launcher called.
I sort of found a solution. I had various executables:
C:\Program Files\Project\Project A.exe
C:\Program Files\Project\Project B.exe
C:\Program Files\Project\Project C.exe
C:\Program Files\Project\Project D.scr
and it looked like C:\Program Files\Project\Project A.exe
was being run instead of C:\Program Files\Project\Project D.scr
when C:\PROGRA~1\Project\PROJEC~1.SCR /s
was executed.
I changed the name of the screensaver to:
C:\Program Files\Project\ProD.scr
and it started working correctly. I'm not exactly sure why, but since I won't investigate any further right now I wanted to post the solution in case someone else runs into a similar problem and this might shed some light on the issue.