I am plotting a bar chart on the left axis and a line chart on the right axis. How can I show the legend for both in the same legend box?
With the code below, I get two separate legend boxes; also, I need to specify the location of the second legend manually, with lots of trial-and-error, otherwise it overlaps the first one.
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
l1 = ax[0].bar(df.index, df["bar"], label='my bar chart (left axis)', color='royalblue', width = 0.55)
l2 = ax0b.plot(df.index, df['line'], label='my line (right axis)',color='tomato',marker='.', ls='dashed')
ax[0].legend(loc='upper left', fancybox=True, title='My title')
ax0b.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0.155,0.8), loc=1)
If I had two lines on two different axes, instead of a bar chart and a line chart, I'd do:
labs=[l.get_label() for l in myl]
ax[0].legend(myl, labs, loc='upper left')
But this doesn't work in my case. I get:
TypeError: can only concatenate tuple (not "list") to tuple
which I imagine must be because bar() and plot() return two different objects which cannot be concatenated.
The good thing about python errors is that they most often can be taken literally and directly tell you the problem.
"TypeError" tells you that you have a problem of types. You may print the types:
print(type(l1)) # <class 'matplotlib.container.BarContainer'>
print(type(l2)) # <type 'list'>
Now, "can only concatenate tuple (not "list") to tuple" tells you that you cannot add a barcontainer to a list.
Easy solution: Add two lists: