I am using gVim on Windows. I have an XML file with content (extracted) like this:
<ExtendedAttributes />
<Activity Id="ded54c70-1ef4-4aeb-852e-3740882c36ff" Name="Activity 1">
<Activity Id="cf70ec72-4d49-434a-abf3-aa3e8dc000b5" Name="Activity 2">
<Description>This is a dummy description</Description>
<Task />
I want to add a ID before the name of each activity, i.e.
<Activity Id="ded54c70-1ef4-4aeb-852e-3740882c36ff" Name="Activity 1">
will become
<Activity Id="ded54c70-1ef4-4aeb-852e-3740882c36ff" Name="10 Activity 1">
<Activity Id="cf70ec72-4d49-434a-abf3-aa3e8dc000b5" Name="Activity 2">
will become
<Activity Id="cf70ec72-4d49-434a-abf3-aa3e8dc000b5" Name="20 Activity 2">
and so on. I tried \(<Activity Id="[0-9a-f-]*" Name="\)\@<=[A-Za-z ,]\+
which can get the value of the "Name" attribute. But when I try to use the command :let i=0 | g/.... | let i=i+1
mentioned in http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Making_a_list_of_numbers , I can never make it works. All I can do is to replace the names with the serial number (while I want the [serial number] [name] instead )
Could anyone shed some light?
Thank you very much.
I tried the followings:
:let @a=1 | %s/\(<Activity Id="[0-9a-f-]*" Name="\)\@<=\([A-Za-z() ,&?;/]\+\)/\=(@a+setreg('a',@a+1))/g
but it replaced the name with number only,
:let @a=1 | %s/\(<Activity Id="[0-9a-f-]*" Name="\)\@<=\([A-Za-z() ,&?;/]\+\)/\=(@a+setreg('a',@a+1)).\2/g
but I get "invalid expression",
:let @a=1 | %s/\(<Activity Id="[0-9a-f-]*" Name="\)\@<=\([A-Za-z() ,&?;/]\+\)/\=(@a+setreg('a',@a+1)).' '.\2/g
but I get "invalid expression",
:let @a=1 | %s/\(<Activity Id="[0-9a-f-]*" Name="\)\@<=\([A-Za-z() ,&?;/]\+\)/\=join((@a+setreg('a',@a+1)),' ',\2)/g
but I get "invalid argument for join()",
:let @a=1 | %s/\(<Activity Id="[0-9a-f-]*" Name="\)\@<=\([A-Za-z() ,&?;/]\+\)/\=(@a+setreg('a',@a+1))+\2/g
but I get "invalid expression".
Assuming your desired ID is the number following Activity
multiplied by 10 (that's what i understand from your example), this could be done with:
:%s/Activity \(\d\+\)/\=submatch(1) * 10 . " " . submatch(0)
Perform the substitution on every line:
Search for Activity
, followed by a space, followed by one or more numbers, capture the numbers:
.../Activity \(\d\+\)/...
Use the captured number and the whole match in a "sub-replace expression":
.../\=submatch(1)*10 . " " . submatch(0)
where we concatenate the captured number by 10, a space, and the whole match.
See :help sub-replace