
How to check if a GIF has transparency using GD?

I found the question How to check if an image has transparency using GD? but the the answers are all for PNG files. Is there a solution for checking if a GIF image has transparency in PHP using the GD extension?


  • I am assuming that:

    On that basis, the following code will load a GIF and check that no palette entry contains transparency - rather than checking every single pixel in a very slow double loop over height and width of an image:

    function GIFcontainstransparency($fname){
       // Load up the image
       // Check image is palettised
          fwrite(STDERR,"ERROR: Unexpectedly got a truecolour (non-palettised) GIF!");
       // Get number of colours - i.e. number of entries in palette
       // Check palette for any transparent colours rather than all pixels - to speed it up
          $rgba = imagecolorsforindex($src,$index);
             return true;
       return false;
    // main
          echo "Contains transparency";
       } else {
          echo "Is fully opaque";