I have the following Neo4j SDN5/OGM/Cypher logic:
MATCH (v:Value)-[:CONTAINS]->(hv:HistoryValue)
WHERE v.id = {valueId}
WHERE {fetchCreateUsers}
WITH u, hv
ORDER BY hv.createDate DESC
WITH count(hv) as count, COLLECT({u: u, hv: hv}) AS data
RETURN REDUCE(s = [], i IN RANGE(0, count - 1, {step}) | s + data[i]) AS result
I execute this query in the following way:
parameters.put("valueId", valueId);
parameters.put("fetchCreateUsers", fetchCreateUsers);
parameters.put("step", step);
StringBuilder cypherQuery = new StringBuilder();
cypherQuery .append(query)); // the query mentioned above
Result queryResult = session.query(cypherQuery.toString(), parameters);
for (Map<String, Object> result : queryResult) {
Map<String, Object>[] maps = (Map<String, Object>[]) result.get("result");
for (Map<String, Object> map : maps) {
I expect to receive map.get("hv")
as my domain object model - HistoryValue
but it is the class of org.neo4j.driver.internal.InternalNode
Is there any way to get hv
and u
objects as the instances of my SDN domain model?
Your are querying the database by using a "raw" cypher call: Result queryResult = session.query(cypherQuery.toString(), parameters);
This will just return the data in the form the java-driver produces.
To get a real object mapping you have to use either use the OGM session methods that support user types e.g. Session#load(Class, ID)
etc. or create a @Query
annotated method in your SpringData Neo4j repository and an additional class @QueryResult
annotated in your package that gets scanned for entities. Details in SpringData Neo4j documentation.