This question is similar to How do I get the Scala version from within Scala itself?, except I want to support Scala.js as well.
I tried the util.Properties
approach. Unfortunately it is not available on Scala.js:
ScalaFiddle.scala:-5: ERROR: There were linking errors
Referring to non-existent class java.util.jar.Attributes$Name
called from scala.util.Properties$.()
called from ScalaFiddle$.()
exported to JavaScript with @JSExport
Referring to non-existent method java.util.Properties.load(
called from scala.util.PropertiesTrait.$$anonfun$scalaProps$1(java.util.Properties,
called from scala.util.Properties$.$$anonfun$scalaProps$1(java.util.Properties,
called from scala.util.PropertiesTrait.scalaProps()java.util.Properties
called from scala.util.Properties$.scalaProps$lzycompute()java.util.Properties
called from scala.util.Properties$.scalaProps()java.util.Properties
called from scala.util.PropertiesTrait.scalaPropOrNone(java.lang.String)scala.Option
called from scala.util.Properties$.scalaPropOrNone(java.lang.String)scala.Option
called from scala.util.PropertiesTrait.$$init$()scala.Unit
called from scala.util.Properties$.()
called from ScalaFiddle$.()
exported to JavaScript with @JSExport
involving instantiated classes:
Referring to non-existent method java.lang.Class.getResourceAsStream(java.lang.String)
called from scala.util.PropertiesTrait.scalaProps()java.util.Properties
called from scala.util.Properties$.scalaProps$lzycompute()java.util.Properties
called from scala.util.Properties$.scalaProps()java.util.Properties
called from scala.util.PropertiesTrait.scalaPropOrNone(java.lang.String)scala.Option
called from scala.util.Properties$.scalaPropOrNone(java.lang.String)scala.Option
called from scala.util.PropertiesTrait.$$init$()scala.Unit
called from scala.util.Properties$.()
called from ScalaFiddle$.()
exported to JavaScript with @JSExport
involving instantiated classes:
Referring to non-existent method java.util.jar.Attributes$Name.(java.lang.String)
called from scala.util.Properties$.()
called from ScalaFiddle$.()
exported to JavaScript with @JSExport
So, how to determine Scala version at run-time for all Scala backends?
I'm afraid there is no way to do that in Scala.js to begin with, let alone a platform-independent solution.
What you can do is write a small task in your build tool (sbt?) that will generate a small source file encoding the information.
For example, paraphrasing the sbt documentation on source generators:
sourceGenerators in Compile += Def.task {
val file = (sourceManaged in Compile).value / "scalaversion" / "ScalaVersion.scala"
val scalaV = scalaVersion.value
object ScalaVersion {
val Full = "$scalaV"
You can then read ScalaVersion.Full
from your code.