When I run this code there seems to be a problem with the Boolean and
and or
$ne = News::find(['conditions' => 'title_md = "' . htmlspecialchars($_post['title_md']) . '" OR alias = "'.$item->alias.'" AND id != ' . $id])->toArray();
The condition inside if(count($ne) < 1)
returns true
, but I need to get false
because id is not currently taken.
Here is the correct query using Phalcon's ORM full potential.
$ne = News::find([
'conditions' => '(title_md = :title: OR alias = :alias:) AND id != :id:',
'bind' => [
'title' => $_POST['title_md'],
'alias' => $item->alias,
'id' => $id,
As the guys above mentioned you have to be more careful when binding parameters to avoid SQL injection. More examples and howto's in the docs: https://docs.phalconphp.com/zh/3.2/db-models#binding-parameters