
Giphy API in Discord Bot async function

I started to program a Discord-Bot, he hasn't that much functions at the moment. So at the moment im working on the command "!gif", so I type that command with an word (here it is "spider"), as a reponse I get a gif with a Spider-Tag.

So here is my Discord-Code:

if(command == "gif"){"spider"));  

modSearchGif is a module which is implemented in this .js script.

The Module looks like this:

var GphApiClient = require('giphy-js-sdk-core')
const client = GphApiClient(process.env.GIPHYTOKEN)

const searchForGif = (gifName) => {'gifs', {"q": gifName, "limit": 1})
.then((response) => {
   var gif =[0].url;
   return gif;
 .catch((err) => {
  return err;

module.exports.searchForGif = searchForGif;

So its really easy, if the command "gif" is writen in the Discord-Channel, the Bot is calling the module and give it the parameter "spider". Then the client search for this parameter in the giphy database and returns a json script. This is a Promise, if the Promise is fullfilled the gif is returned to the mainscript and will be send to the Discord-Channel.

Here is the Problem, the Promise call is async, so the Discord Command "" is executed before the promise is fullfilled, so the message is undefined and i get an error "Cannot send empty message".

I want the executed when the gif is returned, not earlier.

I really have no clue about this. Have you guys some ideas?

Thank you in advance!


  • I would try something like this, as then/catch also returns a Promise

    if(command == "gif"){
       var searchPromise = modSearchGif.searchForGif("spider");
       searchPromise.then((gif) => {;

    For this to work searchForGif should return the Promise, i.e.,

    const searchForGif = (gifName) => {
      return'gifs', {"q": gifName, "limit": 1})
             .then((response) => {
               var gif =[0].url;
               return gif;
             .catch((err) => {
               return err;