I'd like to conditionally execute code depending on whether I'm in a Workspace or Stored Process server context.
I could do this by testing the existence of an automatic STP variable, eg _metaperson
, but this wouldn't be very robust.
Assuming I already have a metadata connection, how best to check my server type?
Hurrah - there is, in fact, an automatic variable that does just this - sysprocessmode
(available since 9.4)
Extract from documentation:
SYSPROCESSMODE is a read-only automatic macro variable, which contains the name of the current SAS session run mode or server type, such as the following:
- SAS DMS Session
- SAS Batch Mode
- SAS Line Mode
- SAS Share Server
- SAS IntrNet Server
- SAS Workspace Server
- SAS Pooled Workspace Server
- SAS Stored Process Server
- SAS OLAP Server
- SAS Table Server
- SAS Metadata Server