
Gradle Building Schema dynamically from combined flavor dimensions

We have two different flavor dimensions like in this example and we want to dynamically generate applicationId like

instead this script will generate an applicationId of

I believe this is because the function at the bottom iterates over the full productFlavor list and not the combined list.

flavorDimensions "product", "license"

productFlavors.all {
    ext.scheme = null
    ext.scheme_tail = ""
    ext.kind = null
    ext.license = null

productFlavors {
    apple {
        dimension "product"
        kind = "apple"
        scheme = "companyapple"

    orange {
        dimension "product"
        scheme = "companyorange"
        kind = "orange"

    kiwi {
        dimension "product"
        scheme = "companykiwi"
        kind = "kiwi"

    com {
        dimension "license"
        license = "com"
        scheme_tail = ''

    eu {
        dimension "license"
        license = "eu"
        scheme_tail = "eu"

    uk {
        dimension "license"
        license = "uk"
        scheme_tail = "uk"


productFlavors.all {
    applicationId license + ".company." + kind
    ext.fileProvider = applicationId + ".fileprovider"
    manifestPlaceholders = [scheme: "$scheme$scheme_tail", fileProvider: "$fileProvider"]
    buildConfigField("String", "FILE_PROVIDER", "\"$fileProvider\"")
    buildConfigField("String", "SCHEME", "\"$scheme$scheme_tail\"")
    buildConfigField("String", "KIND", "\"$kind\"")
    buildConfigField("String", "LICENSE", "\"$license\"")

How can I iterate over the combined list to build my buildConfig fields and applicationIds?

The manifestPlaceholders are consumed like this:

    <activity android:name=".FruitViewerActivity">
            <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />

            <data android:scheme="${scheme}" />

            <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
            <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />


            android:resource="@xml/file_paths" />


Thanks, Rory


  • I found a solution that accomplishes my goals, and then improved upon it with information from this post by David Medenjak.

    Firstly use applicationId and applicationIdSuffix to build the applicationId. Build the file provider separately for BuildConfig and for AndroidManifest. Publish the scheme_prefix and scheme_suffix separately for the AndroidManifest and concatenate them later. Build the scheme from it's components in the ApplicationVariant.

    flavorDimensions "product", "license"
    productFlavors.all {
        ext.scheme_prefix = null
        ext.scheme_suffix = ""
        ext.license = null
    productFlavors {
        apple {
            applicationId = ""
            dimension "product"
            scheme_prefix = "companyapple"
            manifestPlaceholders = [scheme_prefix: "$scheme_prefix"]
            buildConfigField("String", "KIND", "\"apple\"")
        orange {
            applicationId = ''
            dimension "product"
            scheme_prefix = "companyorange"
            manifestPlaceholders = [scheme_prefix: "$scheme_prefix"]
            buildConfigField("String", "KIND", "\"orange\"")
        kiwi {
            applicationId = ""
            dimension "product"
            scheme_prefix = "companykiwi"
            manifestPlaceholders = [scheme_prefix: "$scheme_prefix"]
            buildConfigField("String", "KIND", "\"kiwi\"")
        com {
            dimension "license"
            license = "com"
            applicationIdSuffix = "$license"
            scheme_suffix = ''
            manifestPlaceholders = [scheme_suffix: "$scheme_suffix"]
        eu {
            dimension "license"
            license = "eu"
            applicationIdSuffix = "$license"
            scheme_suffix = "eu"
            manifestPlaceholders = [scheme_suffix: "$scheme_suffix"]
        uk {
            dimension "license"
            license = "uk"
            applicationIdSuffix = "$license"
            scheme_suffix = "uk"
            manifestPlaceholders = [scheme_suffix: "$scheme_suffix"]
    android.applicationVariants.all {
        variant ->
            ext.fileProvider = variant.applicationId + ".fileprovider"
            buildConfigField("String", "FILE_PROVIDER", "\"$fileProvider\"")
            def product = variant.productFlavors[0]
            def license = variant.productFlavors[1]
            variant.buildConfigField("String", "LICENSE", "\"${license.license}\"")
            variant.buildConfigField "String", "SCHEME", "\"${product.scheme_prefix}${license.scheme_suffix}\""

    Here are the corresponding Manifest changes:

        <activity android:name=".FruitViewerActivity">
                <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
                <data android:scheme="${scheme_prefix}${scheme_suffix}" />
                <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
                <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
                android:resource="@xml/file_paths" />