I have hidden several columns in an access datasheet using the ColumnHidden property like this example here:
ColumnName.ColumnHidden = true
This works great, but when I view the datasheet, the end user can unhide the column by "resizing" the space either side of where the column is hiding:
I have found a couple of hacks to resize the columns using the ColumnWidth
property via vba on certain events vba etc. but I was wondering whether there is a simple way to disable this "resize" feature in the first place for hidden columns only?
In MouseUp event You can check if ColumnHidden
of hidden column is false (user "resized" the column), hide it.
Private Sub Form_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
If Me.MyHiddenColumn.ColumnHidden = False Then
Me.MyHiddenColumn.ColumnHidden = True
End If
End Sub