I have a model knockoutJS model having the following structure:
this.optionGroup = ko.obervable({});
And there is an option in this object called isAvailable and its value is either "true" or "false".
The problem I am having is to show Yes in case of "true" and No in case of "false" so that it would be more friendly to the user. I have tried various options, with the last one being the following:
<div data-bind="text: optionGroup().isAvailable === 'true'? 'Yes' : 'No'"></div>
Unfortunately this is always evaluating to false, and thus showing 'No' in the HTML. This is my first time using knockoutJS as this is a legacy page, and not sure if there's a way to easily show Yes/No label based on the value set in isAvailable.
From your comment:
I am setting the value like this:
object.isAvailable = "true" model.optionGroup(ko.mapping.fromJS(object));
is the response of an ajax call, and above I am hardcoding the value).
That means isAvailable
is an observable, since that's the job of the mapping plugin. So my #3 from my comment applies, you want:
<div data-bind="text: ko.unwrap(optionGroup().isAvailable) === 'true'? 'Yes' : 'No'"></div>
Or if you're always going to make sure you've made that mapper
call before the view renders, you can use ()
instead of ko.unwrap
<div data-bind="text: optionGroup().isAvailable() === 'true'? 'Yes' : 'No'"></div>
My first version uses ko.unwrap
because in your initial optionGroup
object, there's no isAvilable
at all, so if we just used .isAvailable()
, it would throw, whereas ko.unwrap(...)
Or as I said in a separate comment, a computed instead:
this.optionGroup = ko.obervable({});
this.optionGroupAvailableText = ko.pureComputed(function() {
return ko.unwrap(this.optionGroup().isAvailable) === 'true'? 'Yes' : 'No';
}, this);
<div data-bind="text: optionGroupAvailableText"></div>