I've recently signed up to filestack, and I am finding it a bit difficult to understand their documentation.
I've added the javaascript plugin on to my website. However I am just wondering if you can actually store the URL of the uploaded file into a mysql database?
Just not sure what the next step is to actually get the URL of the file the person just uploaded
Please take a look at this example: https://jsfiddle.net/1fLjbrwr/1/
accept: 'image/*',
}).then(function(result) {
// file url (plus mimetype, size and more)
// can be found inside the result object
console.log("File url: " + result.filesUploaded[0].url);
When file is uploaded, you can use a callback function to handle the response.
You can also use one of built-in callback functions that are called at various points during the upload process (docs available here: https://www.filestack.com/docs/javascript-api/pick-v3):
accept: 'image/*',
onFileUploadFinished: function(file) {
// this will be called when file is uploaded