I try to make the following sql query from phpMyAdmin who works perfectly and return 1 result with doctrine 1 but i get an exception :
SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Champ 'MOY1100' inconnu dans where clause. Failing Query: "select id_au FROM acteur_unite WHERE code_unite = MOY1100 LIMIT 1"
Here the sql query who work on phpMyAdmin :
= 'MOY1100' LIMIT 1
Here my query with doctrine :
public function getId($code_unite) {
$con = Doctrine_Manager::getInstance()->connection();
$st = $con->execute("select id_au FROM acteur_unite
WHERE code_unite = $code_unite LIMIT 1");
$id = null;
// fetch query result
$data = $st->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$id = $data['id_au'];
return $id;
Where i'm wrong ?
Thanks a lot in advance
seems you missing the quote around var $code_unite
$st = $con->execute("select id_au FROM acteur_unite
WHERE code_unite = '$code_unite' LIMIT 1");
but be careful with the use of var in sql .. you are at risk for sql injection . Then check for your framework the right way for the param_binding .. for avoid this risk
$st = $con->execute("select id_au FROM acteur_unite
WHERE code_unite = :code_unite LIMIT 1");
$st->bindParam(':code_unite', $code_unite, PDO::PARAM_STR);