I am trying to create a search query for when a Public IP is assigned to a NIC, and then create an alert off that. I can find the part which identifies the assignment, but I need to use "inverted commas" within my search, but I can't...
My query:
| where OperationName == "Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/write" and ActivityStatus == "Started"
| where Properties contains "<>"
Within that "contains", I need to use the following JSON pulled from the properties JSON (which I found doing a search without Properties Contains):
However, I know I can't use "inverted commas" within an already inverted comma area. Is there a way to allow me to put that inside, perhaps with some sort of cancelling or bracketing?
I have found my solution, thanks to the links submitted by @Oleg Ananiev.
| sort by TimeGenerated desc nulls last
| where OperationName == "Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/write" and ActivityStatus == "Started"
| where Properties contains '\\"provisioningState\\":\\"Succeeded\\"'