My IDE is Pycharm. I want to test my app locally, so I run my service locally and use ngrok to expose my app to Internet.
The url showed by ngrok is
But when I want to verify the facebook webhook callback url use this url above, it shows
ERROR 2017-12-27 08:16:37,407] Request Host not whitelisted. Enabled hosts are set(['localhost'])
I ran the app well before, but I don't know why this time it shows an error. Could somebody gives me suggestion?
After a bit of digging and thanks to Brady's comment about the gcloud version, I found out that all you need to fix this is to add a flag when you run your app.
So, say you run your app locally with:
python $APPENGINE/
just change it to:
python $APPENGINE/ --enable_host_checking=false
and you should not have the host whitelist errors anymore.
For more information, checkout the release notes here:
This seems to be working fine for me on gcloud 183.0.0 and 187.0.0 (the latest version at the time of writing of this comment).