m <- matrix(1:12000000000, nrow=300000)
p <- matrix(21:32, nrow=3)
# Use all pairings of i and j
i_vec <- rep(seq_len(ncol(m)), times = ncol(m))
j_vec <- rep(seq_len(ncol(m)), each = ncol(m))
system.time(mcmapply(i_vec, j_vec,
FUN = function(i, j) {
if (i <= j) return(0)
sqrt(sum(m[,i]) * sum(m[,j]) * sum(p[,i]) * sum(p[,j]))
}, mc.cores=7))
system.time(mapply(i_vec, j_vec,
FUN = function(i, j) {
if (i <= j) return(0)
sqrt(sum(as.numeric(m[,i])) * sum(as.numeric(m[,j])) * sum(as.numeric(p[,i])) * sum(as.numeric(p[,j])))
Running this calculation with seven cores in mcmapply yields
user system elapsed
0.014 0.485 0.019
and with 1 core in mapply gives
user system elapsed
0.008 0.000 0.008
and specifying 1 core for mcmapply gives
user system elapsed
0.007 0.000 0.007
I can't figure out why this is slower for the multi core than the single core. Is it because the calculation is not very computationally expensive?
When you parallise code you always get some overhead. With the very simple workload here, the overhead is larger than the workload. If you use a workload that takes some time, e.g. Sys.sleep(0.1)
, you should see the speedup due to multi-core computation.