
Why does springfox-swagger2 UI tell me "Unable to infer base url."

Why does springfox-swagger2 UI tell me Unable to infer base url. As far as I know, I am using a typical Swagger spring-boot configuration.

As you can see in the screenshot, the swagger-fox url backing the UI is example.com/api . NOTE: I get a standard Spring Whitelabel Error Page when I navigate to: https://localhost:9600/api/v2/api-docs/ . I suspect this is the root of the problem? I see no errors that Spring didn't load springfox-swagger2 and so I don't know why that isn't working.

enter image description here

My config looks something like this (and I have tried all sorts of variations of this config, from searching the net for advice):

@ComponentScan(basePackages = {"com.company.project"})
public class SwaggerConfig
    public Docket api() {
        return new Docket(DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2)


<!-- to generate /swagger-ui.html -->


NOTE: Interestingly, when I try version 2.6.0, I don't get the modal popup but my Swagger UI shows 0 api content. So, i know that modal must be fairly new?

If there is not enough info here, leave me a comment.


  • It turns out that the solution to my problem was to move the @EnableSwagger2 annotation into the main Configuration class, along with the Docket Bean.

    I had created a separate class in a sub-package with the Docket Bean and I was expecting it to get scanned by Spring and load the bean. Perhaps I failed to annotate that docket class with @Component, or maybe the the problem was something else, but I got it working.