
Android zero-touch enrollment JSON not able to configure wifi

I was following guide mentioned here to prepare a JSON which then I can scan and enroll device to our MDM provider.

Here is my sample JSON

"": "sample-component-name",
"": "device admin signature",
"": "http://download/location/that.apk",
"": false, 
"": {
    "serverurl": "my-mdm.server.url", 
    "gid": "testGid", 
"": "wifi-ssid",
"": "correct-password",
"": "",
"": "9999"

When I am converting this JSON to QR code and scanning device, it is able to switch wifi, but probably not able to configure Proxy. I am seeing wifi with no internet icon in notification bar. I cannot actually confirm whether proxy is configured or not because device gets stuck at Downloading the admin app screen.

However, when I tried with a wifi without proxy and it worked fine with that. Can somebody please tell me what am I doing wrong with proxy?

Device is running Android 7.0 Nougat.



  • Sorry guys, link says that data type is String so I tried to use port number as string.

    Changed it to integer and it works now.