
How to refresh the list in KnockoutJs after it is loaded first time?

I am displaying data list as shown below:

<div class="my-table" data-bind="if:(dataList() && dataList().length)">
//render data raw here...

I am new to ko and looking to refresh this list without reloading the page, is this something possible with knockout?

I believe i can add new items to the list using something like applyBindingsToNode, but looking for a way to refresh the entire list as there are some refreshed numbers on one of the column.


  • You seem to be unclear on the basics of Observable Arrays.

    You can assign a new array value to dataList by passing the array as an argument: dataList(['one', 'two', 'three']);

    You can modify the contents of dataList using most of the usual array-updating functions: push, pop, shift, unshift, reverse, and sort. There are also replace and remove functions, which are not standard array-updating functions.

    Any updates you make to dataList using these methods will be reflected in your view, assuming your commented "render data raw here" section makes use of dataList.