
Java8 check if a given integer is present in Integer[] array

I have a Integer array as follows.

Integer[] nums = new Integer[]{1,2,3};
Integer inputNum = 3;

I would like to check if 3 is present here.

Was trying to use the below code, but it doesn't accept, Integer[].

IntStream.of(nums).anyMatch(num -> num == inputNum);

IntStream values)

Is there any better approach with Java 8?


  • You currently have an Integer[] therefore you can utilise Stream.of instead of IntStream.of.

    IntStream.of only takes primitive integers whereas Stream.of is used for reference types.

    boolean isPresent = Stream.of(nums).anyMatch(num -> Objects.equals(num, inputNum));

    but I prefer to use in this case instead of the XXX.of methods as in the ideal world you should only use them when you're going to provide explicit values.

    boolean isPresent = -> Objects.equals(num, inputNum));