I'm trying to get data from an n:m association using feathers. I'm using react for my front-end and connecting to feathers using the feathers-client and socketio.
//connection string where the feathers api is running
const host = 'http://localhost:3030';
const socket = io(host, {
transports: ['websocket'],
forceNew: true
// construct feathers app
export const client = feathers()
.configure(auth({ storage: window.localStorage }))
But when I use the myService.find() the include param gets removed from the hook.params
function (hook) {
hook.params.sequelize = {
include: [{ model: hook.app.services.users.Model,
as: 'teamOwner'
model: hook.app.services.users.Model,
as: 'Trainer'
model: hook.app.services.users.Model,
as: 'Member'
return Promise.resolve(hook);
When I configure it in my before hook it works fine, but then every time the service us used all the tables are joined together. So I want to specify in the query which tables to include. Like this
include: [
{ model:client.service('users').Model,
as: 'teamOwner'
as: 'Trainer'
as: 'Member'
query: {
$sort: {
id: 1
Thanks in advance
Since only params.query
is passed between the client and the server the best way is usually to create a custom query parameter that indicates what you want to include:
function (hook) {
const { $include } = hook.params.query;
// Remove from the query so that it doesn't get included
// in the actual database query
delete hook.params.query.$include;
const sequelize = {
include: []
if(Array.isArray($include)) {
$include.forEach(name => {
model: hook.app.services.users.Model,
as: name
return Promise.resolve(hook);
Now the client can indicate what they want in the query, e.g. { query: { $include: [ 'teamOwner', 'Trainer' ] } }