
Apple Files Application "Raname" file/folder functionality not work in file provider extention

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While Rename any item in Apple Files application vi File Provider Extension not work it display bellow error

The requested Operation couldn't be completed because the feature is not supported.

In my FileProviderItem class i have set capabilities as bellow

    var capabilities: NSFileProviderItemCapabilities {
        return .allowsAll

How i can rename document in apple file Application thru my file provider extension?


  • I did not implement this feature in my project. However I belive you should override the method

    func renameItem(withIdentifier itemIdentifier: NSFileProviderItemIdentifier, 
             toName itemName: String, 
    completionHandler: @escaping (NSFileProviderItem?, Error?) -> Void)

    in your NSFileProviderExtension.

    Please refer to:
