
Send back rich responses to Actions on Google through Dialogflow webhook fulfillment

To get Google Assistant to display rich responses to the user, one must provide it with a response like the example on the Actions on Google docs. However, since I'm using Dialogflow as the intermediary party between my server and Google's, I need to provide some kind of response to Dialogflow in my webhooks to indicate that there should be a rich response. As you can see from that link, the docs mention how to send rich responses to FB Messenger, Kik, LINE, etc. but not Google Assistant.

What am I missing here? I see an option for rich responses in the Dialogflow web console, but there I can only seem to input hardcoded responses with no dynamic data from the server. What's the right way to do this?

enter image description here


  • Using the Dialogflow integration, the response JSON your webhook should return for a rich response will look like:

                                "textToSpeech":"Welcome to this Basic Card",
                                "displayText":"Welcome to this Basic Card"
                                        "title":"Button Title",
                                "formattedText":"Some text",
                                    "accessibilityText":"Accessibility text describing the image"
                                "title":"Card Title"

    If you are using the Node.js library You can also use the provided methods for Dialogflow integration to build your rich response.