I'm having trouble getting my slack bots news feeder to ban words, the trigger words are working fine, but its letting banned words through but it catches them because it prints out found banned word: xxxxx
. I'm new to python and I just don't get what's up.
triggers = ['SEC', 'CSA', 'OSC', 'CFTC', 'CME', 'CBOE', 'AMD', 'Intel', 'Nvidia',
'Bitcoin', 'blockchain', 'Apple', 'Amazon', 'Google', 'Microsoft',
'commerce', 'business', 'law', 'legal', 'financial', 'hack', 'hacked',
'chains', 'chairman', 'CEO', 'board', 'bank']
banned = ['technical', 'analysis', 'bearish', 'bullish', 'trading', 'trade', 'opinion',
'sponsored', 'price', 'watch']
def feedparsecheck(url):
feed = feedparser.parse(url)
feed_title = feed['feed']['title']
feed_entries = feed.entries
print "feed 30 min"
for entry in feed.entries:
article_title = entry.title
article_link = entry.link
for trig in triggers:
if trig.lower() in article_title.lower():#trigger
for ban in banned:
if ban.lower() not in article_title.lower():#banned
response = "%s\n%s\n" % (article_title, article_link)
article_link = str(article_link.strip())
if not in_database(article_link):
#print article_link
slack_client.api_call("chat.postMessage", channel=NEWS, text=''.join(response), as_user=True)
print "found banned word:- " + ban
You are iterating over all triggers and all banned words for all articles, which means that every article will get sent to your channel for every banned word that's not in the title * number of triggers in the title.
Bitcoin trading for lower price after hack
Will get sent to your channel 16 times. 2 triggers (Bitcoin, hack) * 8 banned words not in title (10 - len(trading, price)) = 16.
To fix:
title_lower = article_title.lower()
if any(trig.lower() in title_lower for trig in triggers):
if any(ban.lower() in title_lower for ban in banned):
print 'found banned word:- '+ ban
# post to slack channel