
What happens to AppGroups after with app transfer?

I recently changed my developer account from account A to account B. I have successfully transferred my applications.

With transfer of applications my app group was not migrated. So I deleted the app group from account A and recreate it in account B with the exact same identifier.

Question -

When I push an update for my app with Account B, will I be able to access the data in app group which was created when app was part of Account A ?


  • Yes , when you install an app in a device the only thing that creates a duplicate of it is changing bundle-id so as long as the bundle-identifier of the app , all extensions and the group is the same , access to old userDefaults shared data will be valid , as evidence Apple makes bundle-ids unique for any app to any developer , and not unique within apps of the same developer , so developer actor is not on the scene when installing an app but for sure it tracks that the app for him to upload crashes and other analytic-s