I use python to get the real time data from wss://api2.poloniex.com:443 and it's work.
But sometime server will stop sending the data of the channel 1002 (tick real time information)
but there is still heartbeat [1010]
and here is my code
from threading import Thread
import websocket
Message format
1002, Channel
null, Unknown
121, CurrencyPairID
"10777.56054438", Last
"10800.00000000", lowestAsk
"10789.20000001", highestBid
"-0.00860373", percentChange
"72542984.79776118", baseVolume
"6792.60163706", quoteVolume
0, isForzen
"11400.00000000", high24hr
"9880.00000009" low24hr
class Ticker:
def on_open(self, ws):
ws.send(json.dumps({'command': 'subscribe', 'channel': 1002}))
def on_message(self, ws, message):
message = json.loads(message)
def on_close(self, ws ):
self.isReady = False
logging.warning('Poloniex Ticker----------------------------CLOSE WebSocket-----------------------')
logging.warning('Close Time : ' + timestampToDate(int(time.mktime(time.localtime())), True))
logging.info('Restart Poloniex Ticker Socket')
def start(self):
logging.info('poloniex tick start')
self.ws = websocket.WebSocketApp('wss://api2.poloniex.com:443', on_open=self.on_open, on_message=self.on_message,
on_close=self.on_close, on_error=self.on_error)
self.thread = Thread(target=self.ws.run_forever)
When the program is work is like that
When the server stop sending data of channel 1002
Any idea?
It seems that Poloniex's websocket is unstable It will stop sending data to Client for 2 min when server is busy, even you using a web browser