In JavaScript you have the nice .filter method to remove null or falsy values from arrays. So far I haven't been able to find a method to remove the same from JavaScript Objects.
Why would this be?
Currently you can create a function for arrays like :
function stripNulls(arr) {
return arr.filter(Boolean);
Is there a similar function that can be created for JS Objects, or is the way filter works not practical on JS Objects.
The answer to "can I do x to an object" (or an array for that matter) is usually "yes" and it frequently involves some form of reduce
If you want to filter falsy values you could do something like this:
function filterFalsy(obj) {
return Object.keys(obj).reduce((acc, key) => {
if (obj[key]) {
acc[key] = obj[key]
return acc
}, {})
const testObj = {
a: 'test',
b: 321,
c: false
This returns a new object without falsy values and leaves the existing object alone.