
HTTPKit gives ProtocolException: "No status" for a Let's Encrypt site

I'm trying to retrieve a URL. At the time of writing:

Using the, I can retrieve this fine:

=> (count (slurp (.openStream ( ""))))

Ditto clj-http:

=> (count (:body (clj-http.client/get "")))

But when I use HTTPKit I run into problems:

=> @(http/get "")
{:opts {:method :get, :url ""}, :error #error {
 :cause "No status"
 [{:type org.httpkit.ProtocolException
   :message "No status"
   :at [org.httpkit.client.RespListener onCompleted "" 126]}]
 [[org.httpkit.client.RespListener onCompleted "" 126]
  [org.httpkit.client.Request finish "" 51]
  [org.httpkit.client.HttpClient doRead "" 156]
  [org.httpkit.client.HttpClient run "" 426]
  [java.lang.Thread run "" 745]]}}

This site uses Let's Encrypt. However, other Let's Encrypt sites seem to work:

=> (-> "" http/get deref :body count)

The certificate has different properties, but it's from the same authority.

Furthermore, if I include :insecure? true, the error still happens.

I thought this might be related to this HTTPS + proxy bug, as the symptoms are similar and Google App Engine seems to be load-balancing the site. However, this fix was rolled into release 2.2.0.

Is this a bug with HTTP-Kit? Can I work round it?


  • It looks like this was caused by SNI (Server Name Identification). I used HTTP Kit version “2.3.0-alpha5” and followed this blog post. It now works.