Here's the problematic code:
function automatic [31:0] W;
input [6:0] param;
W = (param<16) ? 32'b0 : W(param-7);
Basically, iverilog (Icarus Verilog) just gives me a Segmentation fault: 11 vvp svsim
I tried a bit of debugging and it seems not to like the recursion, even though I have a recursion anchor.
Calling the function from within itself isn't an issue though. Tested that, too.
Any help is appreciated!
Here I have the piece of code that calls this function unsuccessfully:
always @(negedge clk) begin
t1 <= W(j);
As @sharvil111 suggested, the value that I passed was 1'bX at that point of time.
So I made sure to set it to 0 before calling.
Thanks for the other suggestions, but e.g. what @dave_59 said didn't do the trick in my case as param
wasn't too small, it was just not defined yet.