
Different colors for coefficients in the same model with coefplot

I work with the community-contributed command coefplot to plot regression coefficients for a categorical variable.

My regression model is a simple linear model which has a categorical variable with 7 types of cities as the independent variable and a continuous variable (population density) as the dependent variable.

I want to show graphically how my regression coefficient varies according to the types of cities.

I can obtain what I want quite easily with the following syntax:

coefplot density cities

enter image description here

However, I would like to customize my plot using different colors for each category of my independent variable (type of cities).

How can I have seven different colors for points instead of just one?


  • This is a pretty clunky, manual way:

    sysuse auto, clear;
    label define rep78 1 "One Repair" 2 "Two Repairs" 3 "Three Repairs" 4 "Four Repairs" 5 "Five Repairs";
    label values rep78 rep78;
    regress price ib1.rep78 c.weight;
    estimates store M1;
    (M1, keep(2.rep78) mcolor(navy) ciopts(color(navy)))
    (M1, keep(3.rep78) mcolor(orange) ciopts(color(orange)))
    (M1, keep(4.rep78) mcolor(maroon) ciopts(color(maroon)))
    (M1, keep(5.rep78) mcolor(emerald) ciopts(color(emerald)))
    , legend(off) offset(0) note("Effects Relative to One Repair", span);

    enter image description here

    You can add the constant with something like the following:

    (M1, keep(_cons) rename(_cons = "One Repair (Base)") mcolor(navy) ciopts(color(navy)))