I am trying to run the automation scripts using java-Selenium TestNG. For opening browser I have invoked chrome driver. even after stopping the scripts the chrome driver is running in Background process in task manager. For ex If I execute my script for 20 time then the chrome driver is running for 20 time in the task manager. I didnt face any issue because of this problem. but still wanted to know should I add anything in my script to stop those drivers? . Will it cause any issue in the future ?
You can kill unclosed process writing in @AfterSuite (in Java)
If You launch test on Windows:
//kill chromedriver
Runtime.getRuntime().exec("taskkill /im chromedriver.exe /f");
If You launch test on Linux:
String[] cmd = new String[]{"/bin/sh", "killchrome.sh"};
Process pr = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd);
and in killchrome.sh (in this example file is in main project directory) you should write
kill $(ps aux | grep 'chromedrive[r]' | awk '{print $2}')