I am a student of functional programming, sorry if my question sounds weird--I am trying to wrap my mind around the given type signatures for functions and how they are implemented.
Looking at the signature for ap
(a → b → c) → (a → b) → a → c
Is given here as
const S = f => g => x => f(x)(g(x));
Which I think I understand. f
is a function that takes two parameters, a
and b
and returns c
. g
is a function that takes a
and returns b
. So g(a)
returns b
and therefore f(a)(b)
can be written as f(a)(g(a))
, which returns c
is the substitute for b
Ok now I'm looking at a different implementation that still makes sense:
ap(Identity(Math.sqrt), Identity(64))
The type signature
(f (a -> b), f a) -> f b
Seem similar to
(a → b → c) → (a → b) → a → c
Re-writing the second using a = f, b = a, and c = b I get
(f -> a -> b) -> (f -> a) -> f -> b
Presuming that ap
takes two parameters, where in the first f
could be some functor that contains a function a -> b
and in the second f
some functor that contains a
returning a functor that substitutes the first functor's function with the end point b
given then functor containing a
Okay, stepping back, these two things looks vastly different and I can't wrap my mind around how they are somehow saying the same thing.
const S = f => g => x => f(x)(g(x))
ap(Identity(Math.sqrt), Identity(64))
From my understanding, ap(F(g),F(a))
can be express as F(a).map(g)
which, again, I still have a hard time equating to const S = f => g => x => f(x)(g(x))
. Perhaps I'm misunderstanding something.
...maybe my misunderstanding has to do with the expression of ap
and how that correlates to f => g => x => f(x)(g(x))
because I can see how they both express the same signature but I don't see them as the same thing.
Anyone who can lend some cognitive assistance here, I would greatly appreciate it
is the name for a transformation that behaves the same way on a large number of container types known as Applicative Functors. One such container type is the Function: it can be treated as a container of its return value.
The S
combinator you found in my gist comes from the untyped Lambda Calculus and is a transformation of a Function specifically. It happens to also be a valid implementation of Applicative Functor for Function, and it happens to be the implementation of choice for both Ramda and Sanctuary. This is why you can use ap
as S
To gain an understanding of how ap
is S
, let's have a look at the signature for ap
Apply f => (f (a -> b), f a) -> f b
And let's get rid of the comma by currying the function. This should make the next steps a little easier to follow:
Apply f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
The Apply f
part shows that, where ever we see f a
, we can use an Applicative Functor container that contains a
. Let's specialise this signature for the Function container, by replacing f
with (Function x)
. x
is the input to the function, and what follows is the output.
(Function x) (a -> b) -> (Function x) a -> (Function x) b
This reads as: Given a Function from x
to a Function from a
to b
, and a Function from x
to a
, returns a Function from x
to b
We can remove the brackets around Function x
, because of the way constructor associativity works:
Function x (a -> b) -> Function x a -> Function x b
And another way to write Function a b
is using the arrow notation: (a -> b)
, so in the next step we do just that:
(x -> (a -> b)) -> (x -> a) -> (x -> b)
And finally we can get rid of the additional brackets again, and find that it's our S combinator:
(x -> a -> b) -> (x -> a) -> x -> b
(a -> b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c