
Is it possible to get the binary data from an image in React-Native?

I'm using react-native-camera and I'm having trouble getting the image as binary data in react-native. I need this to be able to upload images to our backend. The only thing I manage to get is uri's to the image and then maybe sending that as FormData to the server but that is not recommended as that would require some infrastructure change to our backend.

Is there anyone that know a solution or some tips regarding this issue?

Any thoughts or help is very much appreciated.


  • If you want to get image as binary data from react-native-camera. I recommend to use react-native-fs to read uri


    const RNFS = require("react-native-fs");
    // response.uri from react-native-camera
    RNFS.readFile(response.uri, "base64").then(data => {
      // binary data

    If you want to upload image via FormData I recommend rn-fetch-blob


    import RNFetchBlob from 'rn-fetch-blob'
    // response.uri from react-native-camera
    const path = response.uri.replace("file://", "");
    const formData = [];
      name: "photo",
      filename: `photo.jpg`,
      data: RNFetchBlob.wrap(path)
    let response = await RNFetchBlob.fetch(
        Accept: "application/json",
        "Content-Type": "multipart/form-data"