i'm using this, to show icons that can change their color
<Rectangle Width="100"
Fill="{DynamicResource WhiteBrush">
<ImageBrush Stretch="Uniform" ImageSource={x:Static ImageResources.MyImage}"/>
The thing is, that not every Image looks good in 100x100 and if I do not fill these values, nothing is shown. What I wanted to achieve is, that the rectangle automatically takes the needed size of the Image, same as if I would use
<Image Source="{x:Static ImageResources.MyImage}"/>
Any Idea how to achieve this? I already tried to give the ImageBrush a name and reference the size from the rectangle, this doesn't work.
As a workaround I placed an Image at the same position with Visibility=Hidden and get the actualHeight and actualWidth for the Rectangle from there, but that's not an acceptable solution. Any hints welcome.
You could bind the Rectangle's Width and Height:
<Rectangle Fill="{DynamicResource WhiteBrush"
Width="{Binding Width, Source={x:Static ImageResources.MyImage}}"
Height="{Binding Height, Source={x:Static ImageResources.MyImage}}">
<ImageBrush ImageSource="{x:Static ImageResources.MyImage}"/>