
APIC multi-core startup Protocol and ICR starting up address

I am writing a boot load and try to test Inter-Processor Interrupt. I got the following 2 questions blocked me:

1, Where I can find the procedure of starting up APs;

2, When issuing IPI, where I should load the memory address to tell the target processor which memory address to start with.

Thanks for answering, and if you could be so kind to attach a assembly example.


  • I lifted this from the now defunct Stackoverflow Documentation project. This was originally written by Margaret Bloom and I had cleaned up her code. Since this was not my own, I have marked it community wiki. There may be information you might find useful.

    This example will wake up every Application Processor (AP) and make them, along with the Bootstrap Processor (BSP), display their LAPIC ID.

    ; Assemble boot sector and insert it into a 1.44MiB floppy image
    ; nasm -f bin boot.asm -o boot.bin
    ; dd if=/dev/zero of=disk.img bs=512 count=2880
    ; dd if=boot.bin of=disk.img bs=512 conv=notrunc
    BITS 16
    ; Bootloader starts at segment:offset 07c0h:0000h
    section bootloader, vstart=0000h
    jmp 7c0h:__START__
     mov ax, cs
     mov ds, ax
     mov es, ax
     mov ss, ax
     xor sp, sp
     ;Clear screen
     mov ax, 03h
     int 10h
     ;Set limit of 4GiB and base 0 for FS and GS
     call 7c0h:unrealmode
     ;Enable the APIC
     call enable_lapic
     ;Move the payload to the expected address
     mov si, payload_start_abs
     mov cx, payload_end-payload + 1
     mov di, 400h                 ;7c0h:400h = 8000h
     rep movsb
     ;Wakeup the other APs
     call lapic_send_init
     mov cx, WAIT_10_ms
     call us_wait
     call lapic_send_sipi
     mov cx, WAIT_200_us
     call us_wait
     call lapic_send_sipi
     ;Jump to the payload
     jmp 0000h:8000h
     ;Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll
     ;  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll
     ;Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll
     ;CX = Wait (in ms) Max 65536 us (=0 on input)
      mov dx, 80h               ;POST Diagnose port, 1us per IO
      xor si, si
      rep outsb
      WAIT_10_ms     EQU 10000
      WAIT_200_us    EQU 200
     ;Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll
     ;  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll
     ;Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll
      ;Enable the APIC globally
      ;On P6 CPU once this flag is set to 0, it cannot be set back to 16
      ;Without an HARD RESET
      mov ecx, IA32_APIC_BASE_MSR
      or ah, 08h        ;bit11: APIC GLOBAL Enable/Disable
      ;Mask off lower 12 bits to get the APIC base address
      and ah, 0f0h
      mov DWORD [APIC_BASE], eax
      ;Newer processors enables the APIC through the Spurious Interrupt Vector register
      mov ecx, DWORD [fs: eax + APIC_REG_SIV]
      or ch, 01h                                ;bit8: APIC SOFTWARE enable/disable
      mov DWORD [fs: eax+APIC_REG_SIV], ecx
     ;Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll
     ;  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll
     ;Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll
      mov eax, DWORD [APIC_BASE]
      ;Destination field is set to 0 has we will use a shorthand
      xor ebx, ebx
      mov DWORD [fs: eax+APIC_REG_ICR_HIGH], ebx
      ;Vector: 08h (Will make the CPU execute instruction ad address 08000h)
      ;Delivery mode: Startup
      ;Destination mode: ignored (0)
      ;Level: ignored (1)
      ;Trigger mode: ignored (0)
      ;Shorthand: All excluding self (3)
      mov ebx, 0c4608h
      mov DWORD [fs: eax+APIC_REG_ICR_LOW], ebx  ;Writing the low DWORD sent the IPI
      ;Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll
     ;  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll
     ;Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll
      mov eax, DWORD [APIC_BASE]
      ;Destination field is set to 0 has we will use a shorthand
      xor ebx, ebx
      mov DWORD [fs: eax+APIC_REG_ICR_HIGH], ebx
      ;Vector: 00h
      ;Delivery mode: Startup
      ;Destination mode: ignored (0)
      ;Level: ignored (1)
      ;Trigger mode: ignored (0)
      ;Shorthand: All excluding self (3)
      mov ebx, 0c4500h
      mov DWORD [fs: eax+APIC_REG_ICR_LOW], ebx  ;Writing the low DWORD sent the IPI
     IA32_APIC_BASE_MSR    EQU    1bh
     APIC_REG_SIV        EQU    0f0h
     APIC_REG_ICR_LOW    EQU 300h
     APIC_REG_ICR_HIGH    EQU 310h
     APIC_REG_ID        EQU 20h
     ;Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll
     ;  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll
     ;Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll
     APIC_BASE            dd     00h
     ;Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll
     ;  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll
     ;Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll
     lgdt [cs:GDT]
     mov eax, cr0
     or ax, 01h
     mov cr0, eax
     mov bx, 08h
     mov fs, bx
     mov gs, bx
     and ax, 0fffeh
     mov cr0, eax
     ;IMPORTAT: This call is FAR!
     ;So it can be called from everywhere
        dw 0fh
        dd GDT + 7c00h
        dw 00h
        dd 0000ffffh
        dd 00cf9200h
     ;Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll
     ;  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll
     ;Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll
    ; payload starts at segment:offset 0800h:0000h
    section payload, vstart=0000h, align=1
      ;IMPORTANT NOTE: Here we are in a \"new\" CPU every state we set before is no
      ;more present here (except for the BSP, but we handler every processor with
      ;the same code).
     jmp 800h: __RESTART__
      mov ax, cs
      mov ds, ax
      xor sp, sp
      ;IMPORTANT: We can't use the stack yet. Every CPU is pointing to the same stack!
      ;Get an unique id
      mov ax, WORD [counter]
        mov bx, ax
        inc bx
        lock cmpxchg WORD [counter], bx
       jnz .try
      mov cx, ax            ;Save this unique id
      ;Stack segment = CS + unique id * 1000
      shl ax, 12
      mov bx, cs
      add ax, bx
      mov ss, ax
      ;Text buffer
      push 0b800h
      pop es
      ;Set unreal mode again
      call 7c0h:unrealmode
      ;Use GS for old variables
      mov ax, 7c0h
      mov gs, ax
      ;Calculate text row
      mov ax, cx
      mov bx, 160d           ;80 * 2
      mul bx
      mov di, ax
      ;Get LAPIC id
      mov ebx, DWORD [gs:APIC_BASE]
      mov edx, DWORD [fs:ebx + APIC_REG_ID]
      shr edx, 24d
      call itoa8
      ;DL = Number
      ;DI = ptr to text buffer
        mov bx, dx
        shr bx, 0fh
        mov al, BYTE [bx +  digits]
        mov ah, 09h
        mov bx, dx
        and bx, 0fh
        mov al, BYTE [bx +  digits]
        mov ah, 09h
      digits db \"0123456789abcdef\"
      counter dw 0
    ; Boot signature is at physical offset 01feh of
    ; the boot sector
    section bootsig, start=01feh
     dw 0aa55h

    There are two major steps to perform:

    1. Waking the APs
    This is achieved by inssuing a INIT-SIPI-SIPI (ISS) sequence to the all the APs.

    The BSP that will send the ISS sequence using as destination the shorthand All excluding self, thereby targeting all the APs.

    A SIPI (Startup Inter Processor Interrupt) is ignored by all the CPUs that are waked by the time they receive it, thus the second SIPI is ignored if the first one suffices to wake up the target processors. It is advised by Intel for compatibility reason.

    A SIPI contains a vector, this is similar in meaning, but absolutely different in practice, to an interrupt vector (a.k.a. interrupt number).
    The vector is an 8 bit number, of value V (represented as vv in base 16), that makes the CPU starts executing instructions at the physical address 0vv000h.
    We will call 0vv000h the Wake-up address (WA).
    The WA is forced at a 4KiB (or page) boundary.

    We will use 08h as V, the WA is then 08000h, 400h bytes after the bootloader.

    This gives control to the APs.

    2. Initializing and differentiating the APs
    It is necessary to have an executable code at the WA. The bootloader is at 7c00h, so we need to relocate some code at page boundary.

    The first thing to remember when writing the payload is that any access to a shared resource must be protected or differentiated.
    A common shared resource is the stack, if we initialize the stack naively, every APs will end up using the same stack!

    The first step is then using different stack addresses, thus differentiating the stack.
    We accomplish that by assigning an unique number, zero based, for each CPU. This number, we will call it index, is used for differentiating the stack and the line were the CPU will write its APIC ID.

    The stack address for each CPU is 800h:(index * 1000h) giving each AP 64KiB of stack.
    The line number for each CPU is index, the pointer into the text buffer is thus 80 * 2 * index.

    To generate the index a lock cmpxchg is used to atomically increment and return a WORD.

    Final notes
    * A write to port 80h is used to generate a delay of 1 µs.
    * unrealmode is a far routine, so it can be called after the wake up too.
    * The BSP also jump to the WA.


    From Bochs with 8 processors

    Screenshot with eight processors