I have some data containing spelling errors. I'm correcting them and scoring how close the spelling is using the following code:
import pandas as pd
import difflib
Li_A = ["potato", "tomato", "squash", "apple", "pear"]
B = {'one' : pd.Series(["potat0", "toma3o", "s5uash", "ap8le", "pea7"], index=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']),
'two' : pd.Series(["po1ato", "2omato", "squ0sh", "2pple", "p3ar"], index=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'])}
df_B = pd.DataFrame(B)
# Define the function that corrects the spelling:
def Spelling(ask):
return difflib.get_close_matches(ask, Li_A, n=3, cutoff=0.5)[0]
df_B['Correct one'] = df_B['one'].apply(Spelling)
# Define the function that Scores the spelling:
def Spell_Score(row):
return difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, row['one'], row['Correct one']).ratio()
df_B['Score'] = df_B.apply(Spell_Score, axis=1)
This outputs the correct spelling and the score:
one two Correct one Score
a potat0 po1ato potato 0.833333
b toma3o 2omato tomato 0.833333
c s5uash squ0sh squash 0.833333
d ap8le 2pple apple 0.800000
e pea7 p3ar pear 0.750000
How can I add columns to give the second and third highest scoring results and their scores please?
Simplier is use only one function and return all values converterted to Series
and last join
to original DataFrame
def Spelling(ask):
a = difflib.get_close_matches(ask, Li_A, n=3, cutoff=0.5)
#list comprehension for all values of a
b = [difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, ask, x).ratio() for x in a]
return pd.Series(a + b)
df = df_B['one'].apply(Spelling)
#get correct columns names
a = len(df.columns) // 2
df.columns = ['Spelling_{}'.format(x) for x in range(a)] + \
['Spell_Score{}'.format(y) for y in range(a)]
df1 = df_B.join(df)
print (df1)
one two Spelling_0 Spelling_1 Spell_Score0 Spell_Score1
a potat0 po1ato potato tomato 0.833333 0.5
b toma3o 2omato tomato 0.833333 NaN NaN
c s5uash squ0sh squash 0.833333 NaN NaN
d ap8le 2pple apple 0.8 NaN NaN
e pea7 p3ar pear 0.75 NaN NaN