
IIS Worker Processes list is empty

I try to attach to process in Visual Studio for debugging. The process is WCF-service on IIS. I've read articles about how to get process ID from IIS. They advice to check IIS->Root->Worker Processes and select needed processID, but my list of processes in IIS is empty. The list of available processes ("Attach to Process" window in VS) have not included "w3wp.exe" processes, which represent IIS processes. How can I connect for debugging to hosted WCF?

Visual Studio 2017 professional; IIS v10; Windows 10

Edited I've found the same problem and answer here How to attach to IIS process (w3wp.exe) on Windows 10/IIS 10? . The process slept, thats why it did not display in the list


  • After some period of time, if no one uses worker process, it stops (disappears). To start it again just select your app in IIS Manager -- right click -- Manage Website -- Browse