I want to test my app's SKStoreReviewController
API rating. However, I believe it is block because I exceeded the three time review limit a year. Is there a way around this for a developer? Here is the code I am using currently.
[Appirater setAppId:kAppId];
[Appirater setDaysUntilPrompt:0];
[Appirater setUsesUntilPrompt:10];
[Appirater setSignificantEventsUntilPrompt:-1];
[Appirater setTimeBeforeReminding:2];
[Appirater setDebug:NO];
[Appirater appLaunched:YES];
According to the Appirater documentation, you have to turn the debug mode on to show the request every time in development:
[Appirater setDebug:YES];